Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

RSS/BJP Pumps in Huge Money

THE manner in which the RSS/BJP is pumping in monetary and material resources in the current campaign to ensure the success of its prime ministerial aspirant to head the future Indian government after the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections is, indeed, unprecedented. According to some, it is allegedly estimated that the recently enhanced Election Commission’s limit on expenditures per candidate per constituency of Rs 70 lakh has already been far exceeded (totalling all 542 constituencies) by the RSS/BJP in projecting their PM aspirant alone.

A Day on Campaign Trail

CHEVARAMBALAM, a small hamlet near Kozhikode city, has got many stories to tell about its beloved late comrades, P Krishnapillai and A K Gopalan. Both of them organised workers and peasants in this area decades ago. Through the legends passing from generation to generation, these great leaders are still alive in the memory of the people here.

Left Front Aspires to Break Winning Margin Records

THE Tripura East (ST) Lok Sabha seat is to go to poll on April 12. Spread over Dhalai, Khowai North, Unakoti and a part of both Gomati and South Tripura districts, this constituency has 30 assembly segments. Since the first general election of 1952, this constituency has been a stronghold of the Left. Out of the 15 elections held so far, it has sent communist members to parliament ten times. It was this seat which legendary communist leader, Comrade Dasharath Deb, used to contest. In 1952 he contested from this seat while he was underground.

Increase Left Strength for Pro-People Alternative

THE Congress won’t be able to win half the Lok Sabha seats it got last time while the BJP, pursuing the same ruinous economic policies and trying to divide the masses on communal line, is no alternative. What is needed to save the country is a secular non- Congress government based on alternative pro-people policies, and an increased strength of the Left is a prerequisite for this alternative to emerge.

Election Campaign Evokes Good Response

ENTHUSIASM in the campaign process in Kerala has mounted up as the CPI(M)’s national leaders have reached the state. While the temperature outside has already reached close to 40 degree Celsius, it has failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the CPI(M) cadre.
The BJP and the AAP too are trying their luck in the Lok Sabha elections in the state, along with the main contestants, viz the LDF and the UDF.

Restore Democracy: Battle Cry in West Bengal

THE Left Front in West Bengal is fighting this election battle on four slogans: Remove Congress from power, Defeat BJP; Strengthen Left to build up non-Congress non-BJP secular alternative government and Defend and restore democracy in the state. In an appeal to the people of the state, the Left Front has called upon them to vote for the Left candidates to fight for the restoration of democracy in the state.

Venezuela: Another Coup Bid!

IT may not be a coincidence that there are simultaneous moves afoot in Asia, Europe and Latin America to remove democratically elected governments through unconstitutional means. The democratically elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, has been forced out of office by an unruly mob. The prime minister of Thailand, despite having got a renewed democratic mandate, is slowly but surely being removed by a creeping coup d’état.


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