Working Class Issues

TUs Call for Protest Action in Maharashtra

THE Trade Unions Joint Action Committee (TUJAC) has given a call for state wide protest actions in Maharashtra against the anti-labour policies of state and central governments. This call was given in a convention organised by trade unions on February 24 in Gopal Shetty Hall at Lower Parel in Mumbai. Representatives from major central trade union organisations and federations took part in the convention. A resolution passed in the convention has registered strong protest against the decision of the Maharashtra and central governments to make retrograde amendments in the labour laws.

Anganwadi Workers & Helpers Hold a Huge March to Parliament

Federations meet finance minister demanding increased allocation for ICDS in the union budget and minimum wages and pension; Warn the Government of Protest Week from March 1, 2016TENS of thousands of Anganwadi workers and helpers from every nook and corner of the country poured into Delhi and marched to parliament demanding with one voice “SAVE ICDS” by making necessary financial provisions in the budget to strengthen the scheme for the future of young India.

CITU Denounces Govt moves for Strategic Sale of PSUs

The following is the statement issued by the Centre for Indian Trade Unions on February 5: AS per a report in one of the leading national English dailies, The Hindu dated February 5, 2016, the government of India is planning to go in for strategic sale of some of India's most efficient and highly profitable public sector undertakings (PSUs). It is also planning aggressive disinvestment of shares in other PSUs. This obviously is meant to hand over our country’s basic economic strength at cheap rates when the stock market is depressed, thus benefiting the global players.

Delhi’s Municipal Woes: A Sign of Things to Come

MUCH to the shock of residents of Delhi, and also for concerned people across the country, municipal sanitation workers have again gone on strike in the national capital just months after they had carried out a 10-day strike in June last year. Even more surprising was the fact that the issues are the same – non-payment of wages. Like last year, garbage is piling up in the streets, allegations and counter allegations are flying fast and thick, the courts are involved and angry gheraos, dharnas and demonstrations are visible everywhere.

National Seminar on Malnutrition, Govt Policies & ICDS

ON January 6, 2016, the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH) completed 25 years. The occasion coincided with the eighth conference of AIFAWH. A national seminar on ‘Malnutrition, Government policies and ICDS was held at Sundarayya Vignana Kendram on January 6, 2016.Noted journalist ‘activist’ P Sainath demanded ‘food equality’ rather than food security on priority basis to be ensured in the country. In this regard, the anganwadi workers and helpers are doing work that is more important than any official in the country, he said.

Eighth Conference of AIFAWH Calls for Intensification of Struugles

‘FOR the right of every child for food, health and education, for the right of every worker to minimum wages, social security and pension, let us reach the unreached, intensify our struggles to change the policies’ – the eighth conference of the All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers was successfully concluded with this resolve. The conference was held from January 7-10, 2016 at Parsa Satyanarayana Nagar (RTC Kalyana mandapam), Arati Dasgupta Hall, Dipali Giri Manch, Hyderabad, Telangana.

CITU Organises Scheme Workers Convention

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) took the initiative to organise a national convention of scheme workers in Aiwan – e- Ghalib Auditorium in New Delhi on December 10, 2015. This convention was meant to bring together the workers employed in the different schemes of government of India, focus their miserable conditions and develop a country wide movement on the common demands of the scheme workers.


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