Working Class Issues

BSNLEU Scores Magnificent Victory in the Membership Verification

BSNL Employees Union has scored a magnificent victory in the election held in BSNL, for the granting of trade union recognition. This is the eighth consecutive victory being scored by BSNLEU. The election for granting recognition was held on October 12, 2022 and the result was declared on October 14, 2022. BSNLEU came first with 15,311 (48.62 per cent) votes. The union has increased its votes by 5.18 per cent. The National Federation of Telecom Employees (NFTE) came second with 11,201 (35.57 per cent) votes. The BMS affiliated BTEU came third with 1,635 (5.19 per cent) votes.

ASHA Workers’ and Facilitators’ Federation of India (AWFFI) Formed

AMIDST applause and slogans by ASHA workers from 17 states and union territories, the first ever federation of ASHA workers- the ASHA Workers and Facilitators Federation of India, (AWFFI) is formed after three days long deliberations and discussions from September 16-18, 2022, at Kurukshetra, Haryana. The conference gave a call for protest throughout the country on December 10, 2022, ‘world human rights day’, against the violation of the human rights of the ASHA workers by the BJP government.The all-India coordination committee of ASHA workers was formed in 2009, at the initiative of CITU.

Towards the Foundation Conference of ASHA Workers Federation

THE crucial role played by around one million ASHA workers to maintain the public health system in our country became part of the mainstream discussions only during the deadly Covid-19 Pandemic. In 2022, the World Health Organisation announced the ‘Global Health Leader’ award to ASHA workers for their service to the nation during the pandemic.ASHA stands for Accredited Social Health Activist and there are nearly 10 lakhs of them, working under the NHM (National Health Mission).

CITU 17th All India Conference at Bengaluru Reception Committee Formed

KARNATAKA state committee of CITU kick-started the preparations for hosting the 17th all India conference of CITU at Bengaluru on January 18-22, 2023, with the formation of a reception committee meeting on July 5, 2022, at the Secretariat Club, Bengaluru. CITU president, K Hemalata, inaugurated the meeting in which she placed the present situation in which the conference will be held. The meeting was presided by the CITU state president, S Varalakshmi.

18th Congress of WFTU: Pull the Future Out of the Mud of Capitalism

THE 18th Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), which was held in Rome, Italy, from May 6-8, 2022, asserted that the future belongs to the world of work and of struggles. It called upon the working class of the world to unite and march forward in the time tested line of class struggle and proletarian internationalism. Recalling the lines of the revolutionary poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, the Congress affirmed that ‘the future will not come by itself’.

Towards the National Convention of the AICCWW

THE 12th Convention of the All India Coordination Committee of Working Women, AICCWW(CITU) which was scheduled to be held in April 2020 but had to be postponed due the pandemic, is now being held on May 21-22, 2022 at Ranjana Nirula Nagar, Nisha Roy-Shibani Sengupta Manch, Tagar Dey Hall, Binani Bhawan, Kolkata, West Bengal. Nearly 300 working women from various sectors and the CITU state presidents/general secretaries will attend the convention.CITU in its founding conference in 1970 itself, has took upon the task of organising women workers and take up their problems.


On this May Day, the International Day of Working Class Solidarity,CITUWarmly greets the workers and all toiling people in the world, who have been fighting to protect and to regain their hard won rights and benefits under severe attacks by the big capitalists and their agents in governanceWelcomes the increasing urge for unionisation among the working class worldwide, particularly the young workers and the surge in global working class struggles including in the USA, the bastion of capitalismOn this May DayCITU notes the commendabl

CITU Welcomes Supreme Court Order on Gratuity for Anganwadi Workers and Helpers

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), in a statement issued on April 27, has  congratulated the movement of the anganwadi workers and helpers in general and Gujarat State Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Union (CITU) and All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers (AIFAWH) in particular for their consistent struggle which has brought them this historic victory.CITU also congratulates senior advocate P V Surendranath who is also the general secretary of All India Lawyers Union and advocate Subhash Chandran, leader of AILU for their immense help in consistent legal battle which has

Historic General Strike

Another Milestone in the Fight to Save the Country from Corporate Communal PoliciesTHE two days’ countrywide general strike on March 28-29 this year will be marked as one of the largest general strikes in the history of the working class of our country.The significance of the strike is that the working class and the toiling people displayed their spirit of fighting amidst a very challenging and difficult situation.On the one hand the Modi led BJP government is aggressively pursuing its neoliberal agenda ruthlessly attacking all the hard won rights of the people, th


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