
New Series for Economic Data: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

SO goes an old English saying. Statistics are prone to manipulation by the powers that be. Such manipulation is often used to portray a normally bad economic situation, particularly those aspects that concern the livelihood health of our people, in a rosy light. The recent change in the base year, the point of reference to measure changes in economic parameters, to calculate India’s GDP and other indicators is a case in point.

PM Modi Promoting `Made in USA’, Not `Made in India’

EXPLOITING fully the servile attitude of this Modi government, being offered on a platter, US President Barack Obama, on his recent State visit to India as the guest of our 66th Republic Day Parade, got what he wanted from India to rejuvenate the beleaguered US economy. USA is simply unable to recover fully from the world capitalist crisis – a crisis that it had generated, in the first place, leading to the Wall Street collapse heralding the global financial meltdown in 2008.

Greater Economic Burdens Instead of Ache Din

THERE is predictable hype being built over US President Barrack Obama’s presence at the 2015 Republic Day parade as the chief guest. This is the first time, since independence, that a serving president of the USA would be the chief guest at our annual Republic Day parade where the president of India as the `supreme commander of the armed forces’ will take the “salute”. When the supreme commander takes the salute, it is the signal for all the wings of the armed forces to move into, what is called in military parlance, “war mode”.

PM Modi’s ‘Illusions’: Gas Balloons

THIS week has seen a very well choreographed and orchestrated campaign to woo international finance capital to India. Prime Minister Modi seeking to realise his “Make in India” campaign was physically omnipresent at the Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2015. PM Modi has made a clear shift from the slogan of “Made in India” that he thundered from the Red Fort in his first address to the nation on Independence Day to the slogan of “Make in India” that he advanced at a yet another choreographed event at the Madison Square Gardens in New York on his visit to the UN.


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