Gender Issues

Women Protest outside Supreme Court against Dilution of Section 498a

WOMEN’S anger erupted on July 31 at the gates of the Supreme Court of India against its recent judgement that would lead to the dilution of Section 498A. Several representatives of women's organisations assembled outside the Supreme Court to protest against the recent order of the Supreme Court on Section 498A and demanded its review. The demonstration was held within just three days of the Supreme Court order. Women's organisations have expressed serious reservations to this order because it is made on the presumption that a large number of cases filed under Section 498A are false.

Government-Court Nexus will Embolden Patriarchs

ON July 27, 2017 the Supreme Court of India passed orders that dilute the spirit and the content of the anti-dowry laws. The provision of 498A (protecting women from cruelty by husbands and relatives) was enacted in 1983 after a long struggle by the democratic women’s movement. This victory ensured that the affected women could approach the police and courts without any fear and harassment from their in-laws family and also use the law to protect themselves.

Government Evading Comprehensive Legislation for Domestic Workers

IT is indeed ironical that just a day after the ILO facilitated a national stakeholders meeting on a proposed National Policy for Domestic Workers for the government of India at New Delhi on July 11, the incidents of violence and repression in Noida happened after the news spread that a domestic worker had been wrongfully confined by her employer in a posh apartment complex.

AIDWA Delegation Visits Jhewar Victims

A DELEGATION of the Delhi state committee of AIDWA, ​ ​comprising Asha Sharma (general secretary), Maimoona Mollah (president), and Sehba Farooqui, Anjana, Asha Yadav (vice presidents), visited Jhewar to meet the victims and family of the recent violent attack and gang rape. The incident ​ had​  occurred early morning on May 25 – a family, travel​ling by car was attacked ​ near NOIDA Expressway​, one of them​,​  Shakil was shot dead and the women  ​violated.

Conflicting Processes of Justice

TWO judgments, one from the Supreme Court in the Nirbhaya case and that of Bilkis Bano in the Mumbai High Court provide a snapshot of differing standards of justice. The Nirbhaya case had aroused the conscience of India in an unprecedented way, calling into action thousands of young people who had perhaps never earlier joined street protests.  The bravery and courage of the young woman Jyoti, the brutality of the crime against her, now detailed in the judgment, the utter injustice and horror of her death symbolised so much that is rotten in our system, it reflected so many real fears and ex

AIDWA Demands Equal Rights and Violence Free Life for All Women

IT has been widely reported in the press that the Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath plans to carry out a survey of Muslim women to ascertain their keenness to get rid of triple talaq. Muslim women and Muslim women's groups across the country have been campaigning for several years against the practice of triple talaq and have filed several cases in the courts including the Supreme Court against this practice.

AIDWA MEET: Increase Live Mass Contact with Women, Launch Struggles on Burning Issues

THE first central executive committee (CEC) meeting of the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) after the 11th all India conference at Bhopal was held on March 21-23 in Delhi. It was very well attended, with 79 out of 99 CEC members and six out of 12 special invitees from all the 22 states where AIDWA is present. A central secretariat meeting was held prior to the CEC on March 21.

Gross Violation of Human Rights of Students and Youth in West Bengal

A delegation comprising of Brinda Karat, Mariam  Dhawale (AIDWA general secretary), PK Sreemati (treasurer, MP, Lok Sabha), Sudha Sundarararman and S Punyavathi (vice-presidents), Kirti Singh (legal convenor) and Asha Sharma (JMS, general secretary) met the chairperson of  National Human Rights Commission HL Dattu on March 20 and appraised him of the tremendous repression and atrocities committed by the West Bengal Police and state government on the students and youth. The students and youth were protesting against the malpractices in the appointment of primary teachers.


MARCH 8, International Women's Day was celebrated and March 10, death anniversary of the great social reformer and pioneer of women’s education in Maharashtra, Savitribai Phule, was observed in Thane-Palghar district of Maharashtra by AIDWA with tremendous zest and enthusiasm. During the week from March 3-10, over 8,000 women in various tehsils took part in programmes around the three slogans given by the AIDWA CEC:1. Work for all with equal wages for equal work2. Rise up against all regressive, Manuwadi and fundamentalist ideologies that deny women equal rights and3.


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