Gender Issues

AIDWA Condemns Steep Hike in LPG Cylinder Prices

AIDWA strongly condemns the savage hike in the price of non subsidized cooking gas cylinders by Rs 86 per cylinder, brought into immediate effect by the BJP central government on March 1, 2017. This is historically the highest increase in the cost of unsubsidised gas cylinders in the country. The average Indian household, which has either given up the subsidy, or the eligible households which have exceeded their quota of 12 cylinders annually, will now have to pay Rs 737.50 for a single cylinder of gas, up from Rs 651.50 per cylinder as on February 28, 2017.

AIDWA Condemns Censor Board’s Denial of Certification to a Movie Depicting Women’s Issues

Statement issued on February 27THE All India Democratic Women’s Association strongly condemns the decision of the Censor Board of Film Certification to deny certification to Alankrita Srivastava and Prakash Jha’s film ‘Lipstick under my Burkha’, which depicts the range of problems that women in India are facing today, and their struggle to overcome these obstacles. The much acclaimed film has won the Best Film for Women’s Equality Award at the Mumbai Film Festival and the ‘Spirit of Asia’ Award in the Tokyo Film Festival.

Nagaland Imbroglio

WOMEN’S groups have been leading a struggle for 33 percent reservation in the local bodies in Nagaland for the past many years. Elections for 32 urban local bodies (ULBs) notified on December 21, 2016 were to be held after a gap of 16 years. Unfortunately some tribal groups opposed reservation for women under the garb of protecting customary laws. Women who filed their nominations were forced to withdraw and a call was given to boycott the elections.

AIDWA Calls For Campaign Against Demonetisation And Massive Observance Of International Women’s Day

THE well-attended first meeting of the AIDWA central secretariat after the Bhopal all India conference held at Chennai last month gave a call for an intensive campaign against the disastrous impact of demonetisation on women. It also called for a massive observance of International Women’s Day on March 8 around these three slogans: Work for all and equal wages for equal work is our right; Rise against the Manuwadi and regressive ideology; Immediately pass the Women’s Reservation Bill.

When Rape Becomes a Weapon against Tribal Women

THE National Human Rights Commission is to be congratulated for taking the first step, even though much delayed, to bring justice to tribal women in the Bastar region of Chattisgarh. Its interim report confirms, through its independent investigation carried out in March 2016, the horrific gang-rapes, rapes, sexual assault and separately, physical assault, by security forces on 16 tribal women in different incidents in the Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh. The incidents occurred between October 19 and 24, 2015, in the villages of Pegdapalli, Chinnagelur, Peddagelur, Gundam and Burgicheru.

AIDWA Holds Demonstration at RBI

AIDWA, Delhi state committee held a demonstration outside RBI on January 5, to protest against its refusal to exchange old notes in spite of their own assurance and the government notification in this regard.People have been queuing up at different offices of Reserve Bank of India only to face refusal from the apex bank. Right in the capital yesterday a poor domestic worker was not only refused by RBI but was forcefully removed from the RBI entrance by the police.

Triple Talaq and Question of Equality of Rights of Women

AN organisation of Muslim women has moved the Supreme Court with an appeal for banning the custom of ‘Triple Talaq’ or the practice of divorcing one’s wife by uttering thrice the word ‘talaq’. This case, the Law Commission’s view and the Centre’s opinion have generated a debate across the country. Our time is a time when the value of gender equality has been socially and legally upheld, thanks to the advancement in the fields of knowledge, science, thought and technology. Little wonder that a Muslim man’s right to divorce his wife by uttering ‘talaq’ has been questioned in many corners.

Eleventh All India Conference of AIDWA

THIS was the slogan of the five day 11th national conference of the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) which concluded in Shyamali Gupta Nagar (Oriental College), Bhopal on December 14, 2016. The conference was attended by 788 delegates from 23 states. It was preceded by relay jathas from different parts of the country, all of which culminated in Bhopal on December 10, 2016.


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