Gender Issues

Govt Interference in Educational Institutes Would Not Be Tolerated

AS a part of the BJP government’s crackdown on the autonomy of educational institutes across the country, the organisers of a discussion in BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya in Khanpur Kalan, Haryana, were at the last minute asked to withdraw their invitation to AIDWA general secretary and Bhim Sports Awardee, Jagmati Sangwan, who was one of the main speakers in the discussion.

AIDWA Condemns Heinous Attacks in Bengal

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association, in a statement issued on May 23, has strongly condemned the heinous attacks unleashed by the winning Trinamul Congress activists on the women in West Bengal as part of the post-poll violence. Most of the AIDWA activists are attacked and hundreds had to flee from their residence in villages and cities. AIDWA leader Mukta had to leave her home in Hugli. ICDS worker Indrani Mukherjee was attacked in Bankura. Sukla Ghosh, another activist had to leave her residence in Chandrokona in Paschim Medinipur.

JMS DELHI CONFERENCE: Intensify Struggles for the Rights of Working Class & Young Women

THE Janwadi Mahila Samiti, Delhi held its XII State Conference from April 15-17, 2016 in the context of growing assault on the rights of women and working classes under the current Modi government. The conference was attended by 147 women from the NCR region and held deliberations on political situation today and its implications for the social and economic rights of women.

RSS’s Nationalism is Anti-Women

THE students’ union, University of Hyderabad (UoH) had organised a rally and a public talk on the occasion of 106th International Women’s Day. Zuhail KP, president, students’ union inaugurated the talk and Chiluka Srilatha, cultural secretary, students’ union presided the meeting. Brinda Karat, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member and Prof. Vimal Thorat were the principal speakers.

Women’s Organisations Demand Justice for Murthal Victims

ON the call of various national women’s organisations – AIDWA, AIPWA, JWP, Purogami Mahila Sanghatan, Pragatisheel Mahila Sanghatan, Swastika Mahila Samiti, Anhad, Janwadi Mahila Samiti, Delhi, Janwadi Mahila Samiti, Haryana, and Sakriya – hundreds of citizens participated in the peoples march in Murthal on March 12. They demanded constitution of an SIT by the Punjab and Haryana High Court to investigate the cases of gang rapes reported in media on Murthal National Highway No: 1 during the Jat reservation agitation.

AIDWA Welcomes Amendment to President’s Address

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association, in a statement issued on March 10, has welcomed the amendment passed in the Rajya Sabha to the president’s address regarding the rights of all citizens to contest panchayat elections. This reiterates AIDWA’s position that an amendment prescribing minimum educational qualifications to contest the panchayati raj institutions affected the most marginalised and poor sections of the society including dalits and women.

AIDWA Organises Convention against Haryana Panchayat Raj Amendment Act

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association organised a convention against Haryana Panchayat Raj Amendment Act on February 16 at Constitution Club, New Delhi. AIDWA has been continuously fighting against disenfranchisation of a huge section of population from contesting panchayat polls in Haryana and Rajasthan, thus attacking the democratic structure of panchayats as a whole.

Women’s Organisations Oppose Dangerous Proposals of the WCD Minister

THE national women’s organisations – AIDWA,   NFIW, JWP, CWDS, GOS, Bulbul Das, Binodini Moses and concerned individuals, Dr Mohan Rao     (Professor, JNU) and Dr Sabu George (social activist), in a joint statement issued on February 5 have expressed strong condemnation and shock at the suggestion made by the central minister for women and child development, Maneka Gandhi to subject all pregnant women to a sex determination test, record the sex of the foetus, track and monitor the pregnancy, and thereby prevent sex selection.

Is It ‘Beti Bachao’ Or ‘Beti Hatao’, asks AIDWA

IN a statement issued on February 2, the All India Democratic Women’s Association has strongly condemned the proposal made by the women and child development minister Maneka Gandhi to make sex determination compulsory with a view to curb sex selection. As she has clearly stated herself it has been made in order to absolve doctors and the “fraternity involved in medical processes”, and shift the onus of responsibility to the pregnant woman.


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