Gender Issues

AIDWA Pays Homage to Comrade Primila Loomba

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association, in a statement issued on June 26, expressed its heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Primila Loomba, one of the veteran leaders of the women’s movement in India. She was 94 years old, born on December 24, 1924.Primila Loomba, fondly called as Pimmi studied in Lahore and graduated from Kinnaird College. She and her friends were drawn to the progressive students union which was active in the anti-imperialist struggle. Her family migrated to India after partition.

AIDWA Welcomes Verdict in Kathua Case

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), in a statement issued on June 11, has welcomed the judgement of the Pathankot sessions court which has convicted three main accused of rape and murder of a minor girl in Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir on January 10, 2018 to life imprisonment. Sanji Ram, one of the main convicted is the priest of the temple where the crime took place. He has been supported by the Hindu Ekta Manch which has the backing of the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir.

AIDWA Welcomes Verdict in Kathua Case

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), in a statement issued on June 11, has welcomed the judgement of the Pathankot sessions court which has convicted three main accused of rape and murder of a minor girl in Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir on January 10, 2018 to life imprisonment. Sanji Ram, one of the main convicted is the priest of the temple where the crime took place. He has been supported by the Hindu Ekta Manch which has the backing of the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir.

DELHI: CPI(M) Welcomes Free Travel for Women

THE CPI(M), Delhi state committee, in a statement issued on June 4, has welcomed the decision of the Delhi state government to provide free travel for women in the metro and state run buses. This will especially provide welcome relief to lakhs of women working in the unorganised sector who are deprived of even minimum wages.    The state government should extend benefits of the above scheme to male workers in the unorganised sector as well as to senior citizens. Similarly school and college students should be exempt from paying any fare in both the metro and buses, the statement said. 

AIDWA Condemns Attack on PCPNDT Act

AIDWA, in a statement issued on May 10, has strongly condemned the stand taken by Dr Santanu Sen, president, Indian Medical Association, seeking 'comprehensive review, repeal and re-conception' of PCPNDT Act and deplored the fact that the president and the general secretary of the highest medical body in India considers it a 'harassment' for doctors to maintain transparency of their practice by complying with the rules and regulations of the Act.

Women’s Parliament

AFTER the tremendous success of ‘women wall’ on the new year day of 2019, women in Kerala have held series of meetings called ‘women’s parliament’ in almost every assembly constituency in the state. The women gathered in large numbers in ‘women parliament’ and pledged to oppose the anti-women postures of both BJP and Congress.Leaders of All India Democratic Women’s Association, women leaders of various other democratic organisations addressed the meetings in the assembly constituencies.

Women Resolve to Fight for the Womens’ Charter

ON March 8, thousands of women took to the streets of Delhi marching from Mandi House to Parliament Street in solidarity with the International Day of the Women, which witnesses’ global participation. In the spirit of fighting back, thousands of women thronged the streets of Delhi, with a spectrum of demands, from safety and the right to live with dignity to minimum wages and fair compensation of their work.

AIDWA State Conference Vows to Take on Communal Forces

THE 11th Maharashtra state conference of AIDWA was held at Amravati in the Vidarbha region on February 1-3, 2019. Amravati along with its surrounding districts of Vidarbha has seen the relentless tragedy of rising peasant suicides for the last two decades.The conference was attended by 264 women delegates coming from 14 districts, representing a membership of nearly one lakh.


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