Gender Issues

VIOLATION OF PCPNDT ACT: AIDWA Demands Stringent Action on VC

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association, in a statement issued on May 14, has condemned the shocking statement reportedly made by the vice chancellor of AYUSH, Baldev Kumar Dhiman, claiming that ayurveda can help in the selection of gender before conception. Not only does this display a completely unscientific mindset, the statement also violates the PcPNDT Act which makes sex selection illegal, whether before or after conception.

Is Death Penalty the Right Solution?

THE huge public outcry and resentment at the increasing incidents of rapes and sexual offences against women today can well be understood and appreciated. In a country where a woman is reportedly raped every 15 minutes (this, despite many rape cases still going unreported), and where a woman is a victim of crime every two minutes, such outrage is a natural reaction, particularly when law makers and law protectors become accomplice to such heinous acts, as demonstrated in Kathua and Unnao rape cases.

PANCHAYAT POLLS IN WEST BENGAL: TMC Unleashes Ruthless Violence on Women

WEST Bengal experienced an unprecedented violence against women by Trinamul Congress administration on the eve of panchyat polls in the state. Women belonging to Left parties were physically assaulted when they were going to file the nominations; they were threatened in their homes; wives and daughters of Left leaders were not spared, even if they were not filing nominations. Trinamul Congress regime in the state in alliance with the State Election Commission is not only authoritarian but also flouting all norms of minimal consideration of human rights.

AIDWA Calls for Mass Movement For Food security

THE AIDWA central executive committee (CEC) meeting held on March 31- April 2, in New Delhi took several important decisions to mobilise women in large numbers against the severe attacks on the livelihood of women and against increasing violence and communal mobocracy. 64 out of 99 CEC members and 6 out of 12 special invitees from 20 states attended this meeting. The central secretariat meeting was held prior to the CEC.

Sexual Harassment Case in JNU: Women’s Organisations Hold Demonstration

VARIOUS women’s organisations held a militant protest demonstration outside the Vasant Kunj (North) police station on March 20, against the inordinate delay by the police in arresting Prof Atul Johri who has been accused of sexual harassment by nine women students. Professor Atul Johri is a senior professor at the School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University. The harassment of girl students in JNU is highly condemnable and shameful. Nine students from his laboratory have registered a police complaint against Prof Johri.

Special March 8

HEY, sister, where are you going so early?Where else, of course to mobilise for the International Women’s Day! This year it is going to be special. It seems some of them were saying that without the government, we will not be able to organise the Women’s Day. It seems our days are over and we should stop mobilising. All this has to be proven wrong. We should show that we are not like others, who keep on crying over our loss and lock ourselves in the house. After all, what is it today? It is the WOMEN’S DAY. It teaches us to keep on fighting and never give up.Have you heard it?

AIDWA Delegation Meets Law Minister on Triple Talaq Bill

A DELEGATION of AIDWA leaders met the law minister on February 8 and submitted a memorandum regarding the Bill of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2017, bringing to his attention the concerns of various women’s organisations and individuals about it.The law minister gave a patient hearing to the views expressed by the delegation and also explained the government’s stand point.

Women’s Organisations Protest Brutal Incidents of Rape in Haryana

In the wake of four incidents of rape in the past three days in Haryana, a number of women’s organiSations including AIDWA burnt the effigy of Haryana chief minister ML Khattar outside the gate of Haryana Bhawan in New Delhi on January 17, in protest against the recent spate of rape and murder cases in the state. These cases were reported from Kurukshetra/Jind, Panipat, Pinjore and Faridabad.


IT has been reported in the media that the union cabinet has approved a bill making it a criminal offence to pronounce triple talaq apart from some other provisions. The All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), in a statement issued on December 19 has condemned the hasty and extremely undemocratic manner in which the bill is being sought to be passed in the parliament without any public discussion and discussion with women’s organisations and groups working with issues related to Muslim women.AIDWA is against the criminalisation of pronouncement of triple talaq.


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