Current Issues

False and Fake News

Below we publish the statement issued by the CITU on August 26THE news of the seamen's union of CITU – FSUI joining Shiv Sena is totally false and fakeThe Hindustan Times (Mumbai) dated August 25, 2019 published a news that Forward Seamen's Union of India (FSUI) has joined Shiv Sena.

An Act of Desperation

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on August 27THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) strongly disapproves of the manner in which the Reserve Bank of India’s reserves are being sought to be utilised to meet the fiscal deficit. Similarly, in the past, profit making public sector navaratnas like ONGC had been fleeced to meet the Modi government’s extravagant expenditure like those on propaganda.The RBI is the monitoring authority and lender of the last resort.

Reverse Decisions on FDI in Coal Mining & Retail Trade

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on August 29THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly opposes the decision of the union cabinet to allow 100 per cent FDI in coal mining for all commercial purposes along with 100 per cent FDI in contract manufacturing. This reckless measure will enable foreign companies to plunder the mineral resources of our country.This decision will also have a harmful effect on Coal India Ltd which is the premier national coal miner. The Modi government is bent upon weakening the public sector coal company.

Permission to Visit Yusuf Tarigami

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on August 28THE Supreme Court heard the petition on habeas corpus filed by CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury to produce CPI(M) leader and four time MLA, Yusuf Tarigami whose whereabouts are unknown since August 5.The Supreme Court has ordered that Sitaram Yechury be permitted to visit Yusuf Tarigami in Kashmir. Accordingly Sitaram Yechury will travel to Srinagar tomorrow, August 29.

Render Urgent Relief to Flood-Affected States

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on August 12, 2019.THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) expresses its grave concern at the loss of life, destruction of property and livestock due to the floods in various parts of the country.Kerala is the worst affected, exactly a year after the devastation caused by the floods in 2018. So far, the death toll has reached 72 with more bodies being recovered during rescue operations. Nearly three lakh people have been evacuated and housed in 1639 relief camps across the state.

Protest Detention of Sitaram Yechury

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on August 9THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) condemns the detention of Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the Party and D Raja, general secretary of the CPI at the Srinagar airport. This shows the authoritarian face of the BJP government.Sitaram Yechury and D Raja had gone to Srinagar to visit Md Tarigami, MLA, the ailing leader of the CPI(M) and to meet the people of J&K.The Polit Bureau calls upon the people to protest this anti-democratic act of the BJP government. 

J&K: Murder of Democracy & Federalism

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on August 5THE Modi government has struck a big blow at democracy and the constitution by scrapping Article 370 of the constitution and dismantling the state of Jammu & Kashmir.The people of Kashmir had acceded to India in the face of invaders from Pakistan and a solemn commitment had been made to them by the Indian State to provide them with special status and autonomy which was embodied in Article 370.

Serious Situation in J & K

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on August 3A SERIOUS situation has developed in Jammu & Kashmir as a consequence of the recent steps taken by the central government.  The deployment of an additional contingent of  paramilitary forces – amounting to 35,000 troops – has raised questions about their intended purpose. The unprecedented cancellation of the Amarnath yatra mid-way and the instructions to tourists to leave the valley  forthwith have heightened tensions and anxieties among the people.Although parliament is in session, the central

Dismantling the State of Jammu & Kashmir

Left Parties – CPI(M), CPI, CPI(ML) Liberation, AIFB, RSP jointly issued the following  Statement on August 5THE Modi government has dealt a severe blow to our constitutional order by unilaterally scrapping Article 370 and other provisions of the constitution and dividing the state of Jammu & Kashmir.The special provisions guaranteed by the Indian constitution to the state of Jammu & Kashmir were the result of the princely state signing the instrument of accession to the Indian Union in the face of Pakistani invaders.


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